IOT and the K900

Secure networks, connected devices and Internet connectivity are key issues in many companies. Just like many other devices, the K900 can be connected to the Internet for optimal use. But what are the options? Here is an overview.

As technology advances, it is no longer just smartphones, tablets and computers that are able to connect to the Internet, but also household appliances and industrial machines. The Internet of Things (IOT) is the latest industry buzzword, and refers to devices where settings, diagnostics, and maintenance can be performed remotely via the Internet (among other things). The K900 is such an IOT device, and can thus be connected to the Internet in various ways to make these functions available to customers.

IoT – Internet of Things

The term IOT refers to the global infrastructural technologies that allow physical objects and virtual objects to network and cooperate with each other. IOT differs from the “normal” Internet as devices (including micro devices) are connected without a human user. These devices can either be connected together over their own network, or via the “normal” Internet. Thanks to the K900’s connection to the Internet, remote diagnostics and maintenance, over-the-air updates and cloud reporting can be offered to customers.

Connection options for the K900

The K900 can be connected to the Internet in two different ways:

  • The first way connects the K900 to the Internet via the mobile network. The K900 contains a wireless module and a SIM card, similar to the one in a smartphone. Thus, the K900 connects to the surrounding transmission towers and uses the same infrastructure as our smartphones. The K900 supports 2G (GSM), 3G (HSDPA, HSPA, HSPA+ and UMTS) and 4G (LTE) technologies.
  • The second way utilizes customer’s WLAN network. Just like smartphones, tablets and laptops, the K900 can connect to the Internet via the customer’s WLAN network.

It is also possible to connect directly to the K900 through a local connection.

  • The K900 provides a WLAN hotspot which users can connect to with a smartphone, tablet or laptop, though they must be on site. The K900 hosts a local website on its server which users can access via a web browser when connected. This interface acts as a portal into the robot application, and makes it easy to create cleaning schedules, define cleaning zones, or retrieve reports from your device. It’s like surfing the internet, only know users surf the robot.

Installation and network security

A standard K900 comes with a wireless module with a SIM card pre-installed. This works automatically as soon as the robot is delivered. With this SIM the customer does not need to add another device to his network, which is always a security risk.

Unfortunately, a stable wireless connection is not available in all locations. Either the network coverage is poor or the building structure blocks the radio signals (basement, thick walls, reinforced concrete, etc.). In these cases, customers have usually set up a separate IoT WLAN network specifically for devices, separating the IoT devices from their critical infrastructure for security reasons.

Great emphasis was placed on network security during the development of the K900. There are risks that cannot be completely eliminated with any device connected to a network (laptops as well as IoT devices), including malware and cyberattacks. That is why IoT devices are often integrated into separate networks. When run via its own SIM card (through the mobilenetwork), the K900 is completely external to the user’s network.

Also note: The K900 can be used without an Internet connection, but its services are not all available. Updates, cloud access, notifications and remote maintenance capabilities would be limited, if even possible.

We would be happy to advise you personally.

Would you like to learn more about our products? Contact us today for a consultation or demonstration.

Christoph Jähnig, Robotics Sales Executive